
:: just words ::

This blog is mostly a picture blog of portraits of my awesome clients with a few of my personal photos thrown in here and there (you all know Chase Humphrey by now I’m sure).  Are you bored already since you know I won’t be showing any pictures?  Hang in there with me!

I had a moment last night, though, and I’d like to tell the world (well, whoever reads this blog) about it!

I was practicing yoga outside at Maple Acres Farm, led by one of my all-time favorite teachers, Robin, and her friend who I just met named Maura.  Yoga outside on a farm was a moment in itself, but that’s not what I wanted to tell you about.

We were nearing the end of class, which is called shavasana.  This is when you lay down on your mat, close your eyes and completely relax your body.  It always feels so good to consciously and completely scan my body for any tension and then focus on releasing it.  I usually say a few prayers or try to meditate (i.e. think about nothing — it’s really hard!) during this time.  I’m not sure if that’s what you’re supposed to do or not, but that’s what I do.

That’s when I had my moment!  I couldn’t close my eyes.  I was looking up at THE.MOST.BEAUTIFUL clouds in the sky.  They were moving relatively quickly, which was really interesting … and they were layered with the most bold whites, grays and blacks I’ve ever seen in my life.  Puffy, whispy and long.

So, … cool Regina, but why did you have a moment?  Because I had to restrain myself from running to my car to grab my camera.  Instead I stayed in shavasana and studied the clouds just enjoying them by myself without having to capture them on my camera or iPhone or Instagram.

As a result, I can’t show you the picture.  But I hope you can imagine these clouds in your mind, and maybe even take a second to close your eyes, breathe deeply and picture beautiful clouds.  When I close my eyes that’s what I see!

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Philadelphia newborn photographer