I woke up chilly under the covers since we lost power the day before, and groggily reached for the lightswitch in the bathroom to brush my teeth forgetting that the electricity was still out. That’s when I heard my cell phone bing in the bedroom (thank goodness I charged it the night before at my parents’ house). It was a text message from the dad-to-be letting me know that Mindi’s contractions were getting intense and I should head over to their house soon. I brewed a quick cup of coffee to go, grabbed my camera bag that had been packed for about a month in anticipation of this moment, and sprinted out the door (trying not to slip on ice). These photos tell the story of what happened over the course of the beautiful day Baby Simon entered the world…
This cat’s name is Pusstina. Hilarious.
This is when one of the cats attacked the midwife for taking the baby from Momma….another memorable moment.
Baby Simon did a total flip at some point while en utero, which resulted in this knot in his umbilical cord. Very interesting and unusual, according to the midwives!!
That’s a NINE pound baby folks!!!!!
Jack running to meet his brand new baby brother…
Thank you for hiring me to document Baby Simon’s birth! And thank you, Big Brother Jack, for taking my picture with your new camera …
Wow! Mindy, you are a unbelievable woman! Strong, courageous come to mind. This is a one of a kind record of birth, and I am very glad that you shared it! Beautiful, just amazing to be witness to. Thank you and God bless baby Simon and all your family Peter. You have been blessed.
What a fantastic and wonderful treasure of Simon’s arrival.
What a beautiful set of photographs for the family to share! Well done!
Hi! I’m the older brother Jack now about 9 years later. I was just trying to find photos of my mom to show to a friend and I came across this! It’s funny seeing these pictures from so long ago knowing how much Simon has grown :). Although it is sad seeing the cats, as all three of them pictured here have passed on.